"the future of healthcare is here"

Photo by Min An from Pexels


MyPH HealthChek® is a self-evaluation preventive health APP that is provided as an educational service to clients by My Preventive Health LLC (MyPH) website network. The MY PREVENTIVE HEALTH LLC website network includes the following websites: www.MyPreventiveHealth.org, a non-profit, educational, health education portal; www.MyPreventiveHealth.com, a gateway for trusted health information; and www.MyPHShop.com, an e-commerce portal for peer reviewed information on nutritional supplements, preventive health products and services. Other MyPH-affiliated websites allow our clients to explore a wide range of preventive health options in the areas of women’s health, men’s health, and healthy travel destinations.

The primary goal of the MyPH HealthChek® APP is to save lives by providing clients with up-to-date information and education in the key areas of Preventive Health, Nutrition, and cancer prevention. My Preventive Health LLC also provides a MyPH HealthChek® APP for business that allows you and your employer to negotiate reduced health insurance costs by documenting the improvements in your preventive health.

My Preventive Health LLC has a non-profit arm which supports health and education programs in the developing world (Caribbean Science Foundation). My Preventive Health LLC also supports diagnostic and health education programs for US veterans through our affiliated consultants (Gastroenterology And Nutrition Clinics, www.GANClinics.com).


Our goal is to help you look younger, feel younger, and live younger.