Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyPH HealthChek™ and why should I take the time to complete it?

You are an intelligent person and you know that a single major illness can disrupt your life and bankrupt your family. Like most people, you want to protect yourself and your family from serious health problems like Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity, Hypertension and Strokes. Fortunately, most of these conditions are now preventable and curable if they are caught early. PREVENTION is the key to protecting your health! MyPH HealthChek© is a state of the art preventive healthcare program for you and your family.


I understand that this may be a great program, but how does it help me to improve my health?

MyPH HealthChek™ is a state of the art, personalized Preventive Patient Monitoring system. MyPH HealthChek© provides a ‘healthcare roadmap’ that you can use to evaluate and monitor the key areas of your health, in the privacy of your home and office. The MyPH HealthChek© survey is intended to assist you, in working with your doctor to maintain and improve your health:


Why should I take this MyPH HealthChek© survey?

Here are some good reasons for completing the MyPH HealthChek™ survey:
a. You can compare your health with the health of other people in your age group and obtain a Grade on your current health status.
b. You can find areas of your health that may need improvement.
c. You can obtain recommendations for dealing with your personal health challenges.
d. You can be alerted to new recommendations for managing community acquired infection, pandemics, etc.
e. You can obtain Recommendation for nutrition, diets, and age-appropriate fitness and exercise regimens.
f. You can network with doctors and health care professionals to obtain additional suggestions for improving your health.
g. You can link to articles and Health Forums in My Preventive Health Social Network,], to help keep you informed of community infections, pandemics and new breakthroughs in healthcare.


How do you determine my health risk from the MyPH HealthChek© Questionnaire? All of the information requested in MyPH HealthChek© survey is used to determine your current health risks. An individual’s health risk is usually related to many factors, including:

  1. your Age Group;
  2. your place of Residence (where you live);
  3. your Occupational Exposures;
  4. your personal Health History;
  5. your Family History of health problems;
  6. your Personal Habits.


The answer to each of the numbered questions in the survey is assigned a numerical value. Your relative health risk is determined by your total numerical score. Please answer all questions to allow us to better help you determine your health risks.


How do you determine what value is assigned to the answer to a particular question in the survey?


The numerical value that is assigned to each of the answers in the Questionnaire is determined by recommendations from the MyPH Medical Advisory Board. The MyPH Medical Advisory Board is composed of healthcare practitioners from a wide spectrum of Primary Care and Medical Specialties, with more than 1000 years of combined experience in caring for patients. You should be aware that preventive health recommendations may change from time to time, depending on recommendations from CDC, WHO and your Federal, State and Local health authorities.


What do you do with the information that I provide in the survey?


The information that is collected in this health survey is used to compare your individual health risks to national health standards and to the results of all the other people in your age group that completed the MyPH HealthChek© survey. (For example: the results of your HealthChek© survey may show that you rated in the top 25 percent of all the people in your age group that completed the survey in meeting the current recommended preventive healthcare guidelines from recognized health authorities). MyPH HealthChek© team provides you with this information in the hope that you and your doctor will use the information to improve your health and reduce your healthcare costs).


We always encourage to work closely with your Primary Care doctor to manage your preventive health. If you request additional health information from the MyPH HealthChek© team after you have completed your survey, the results of your survey may be used as a guide to direct you to additional health resources.


How do you protect my information?


When your first register with MyPH HealthChek™, you will be given a Unique Email. Your Unique Email will be the same as your User Name. You will be asked to set up a Password to protect your identity in our system. Your Unique Email and Password will be linked to a Unique Computer Identification Number or ‘UCID’ in our system. After you have completed your initial registration with MyPH HealthChek™, you are strongly advised to use the Unique Email and Password that you were given to communicate with MyPH HealthChek™.


When your first register with MyPH HealthChek™, we will assign you a MyPH HealthChek Unique Computer Identification Number (UCID)©. Your UCID will be long string of characters that look like this: (F01-022-03-062XXXX). Your “User Name” (Email) and your UCID (F01-022-03-062XXXX) will be used for all your future MyPH HealthChek© correspondence.


You are strongly advised NOT to use your real name, your photograph or other personal information that may be used to identify you to the public. You are also strongly advised NOT to use other information, photographs, images, or other content that could prove to be embarrassing. Do not link your MyPH HealthChek™ profile to any other existing or planned personal websites or to any other existing or planned personal web content that may be used to identify you.


Why does MyPH need my Demographics for my HealthChek™ Survey?

Many health conditions are related to your Age, your Sex, your Occupation and/ or to your customary place of residence (the place where you live or have spent most of your life). For example, if you live in New York City, you may have a different set of health risks than if you lived in rural Kansas. Your Demographic information will help us to provide you with a more accurate assessment of your health risks.